“My dream is to see the fans happy” Andrés Iniesta
At CaixaBank we want you to make all your dreams come true. That’s why now we’ll finance a Samsung Curved UHD TV for you at 0% APR for €46.63 a month1, including the SegurCaixa Appliances2 insurance. Because at CaixaBank we believe that giving credit means giving confidence.
1. Promotion and sale offered by PromoCaixa, valid until 31-8-2016. PromoCaixa, S.A., Gran Via de Carles III, 105, 08028 Barcelona. Tax no. A-58481730. © PromoCaixa, S.A., Barcelona 2009. Further information: Finance offered by CaixaBank, subject to approval according to the organisation’s risk policies. 49” UE49KU6670 Samsung Curved UHD television: €46.63 a month in 29 instalments plus 1 final one of €46.73. Term of 30 months and a NIR of 0%, with no front-end fees. Total amount owed: €1,399 (€1,099 TV and €300 insurance). Also available for payment in cash. For other finance options, enquire at any CaixaBank branch. 2. SegurCaixa Appliances can only be taken out when you buy a Samsung television in the campaign. Information subject to the general, individual and special conditions of each policy, as well as subscription conditions. SegurCaixa Appliances is damage insurance by SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, marketed by Caixabank, S.A., sole banking/insurance operator for SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, entered in the DGSFP Register of Brokers with code C0611A08663619. IRN: 1466-2016/9681